$21.00 $19.00
Fulfilled By Planet Ayurveda

Size (Per Unit): 150 ML

Dosage: (Adults) can take 5-10 gms
(Children) can take 3-5 gms twice daily or as directed by the Physician.


Panchagavya Ghritham is a medicated ghee formulation beneficial in emotional and neurological disorders. An effective psychotropic, Panchagavya ghritham is beneficial in calming the mind and dealing with stress.

The medicated ghee infused with several potent ingredients also promotes sleep. The hepato-protective and antipyretic action of Panchagavya ghritham make it beneficial in Jaundice and Fever too.


  • Promotes sleep
  • Calms the mind, relieves stress
  • Has hepatoprotective action


  • Relieves stress
  • Calms the mind
  • Promotes restful sleep


  • Vasa- Adhatoda vasica, Athithippali - Balanophora fungosa, Ela Elettaria - cardamomum, Yashtimadhu - Glcyrrhiza glabra, Abhaya - Terminalia chebula, Katurohini - Picrorhiza kurroa, Agni- Plumbago rosea, Rajani- Curcuma longa, Dharvi- Berberis aristata, Draksha - Vitis vinifera, Mustha - Cyperus rotundus, Amlaki - Emblica officinalis, Paada -Cyclea peltata, Manjishta- Rubia cordifolia, Bibhitaki -Terminalia belerica, Vacha - Acorus calamus, Vidanga - Embelia ribes Godugdha - Cow Milk, Gomaya svarasa, Godadhi -Curd, Gomoothra - Cow urine, Gritha - Ghee Lq.

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