$26.00 $23.00
Fulfilled By Planet Ayurveda

Size (Per Unit): Pack Of 3 (100 ML Each)

Dosage: Use as directed by the physician.


Kerala Ayurveda Jathyadi Kera Thailam is an Ayurvedic oil. It is used for quick wound healing in blisters, sinuses, non-healing wounds etc. and is used for external application. It is helpful in cases of chronic bleeding piles, fistula and other similar ailments


  • It heals wounds quickly. It is used to apply externally over non healing wounds, sinus, blisters, abscess and bite wounds
  • It is also useful in burns
  • It is applied over infected skin diseases such as Hand Foot and Mouth Disease, eczema, syphilis etc


  • Improves skin health
  • Helps heal wounds


  • Jati – Myristica Fragrans, Nimba – Neem – Azadirachta Indica, Patola – Stereospermum Suaveolens, Naktamala – leaves of Pongamia Pinnata, Sikta – Honey bee wax, Madhuka – Licorice – Glycyrrhiza Glabra, Kushta – Saussurea Lappa, Haridra – Turmeric – Curcuma longa, Daruharidra – Berberis Aristata, Manjishta – Rubia Cordifolia, Katurohini – Picrorhiza Kurroa, Padmaka – Prunus Puddum, Lodhra – Symplocos Racemosa, Abhaya – Terminalia Chebula, Nilotpala – Nymphaea Stellata, Tutthaka – Copper sulphate, Sariva – Hemidesmus Indicus, Naktamalabeeja – Seeds of Pongamia Pinnata, Taila – Sesame oi.

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