$147.90 $133.00
S.No. Products Quantity
1 Gleaming Skin, Hair, Nails Formula 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
2 Manjishtha Capsules 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
3 Gandhak Rasayan 1 Bottle (120 Tablets)
4 Amalaki Rasayan 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
5 Rose Honey Natural Face & Body Butter 1 Jar (50gm.)
World Wide
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Formulated by
MD-Ayurveda Experts


  • Helps in building immunity
  • Protects body from free radicals
  • Reduces oxidative stress
  • 100 % natural products
  • Formulated by MD Ayurveda doctors
  • 100 % vegetarian formulations
  • Free from chemicals, preservatives, starch, additives, colours, yeast, binders, fillers
  • All herbs have a distinct explanation in ancient Ayurvedic literature

Pack Description

Glutathione is a very important substance made from the amino acids like glycine, cysteine and glutamic acid. It is produced by the liver and is also involved in various types of body processes. The glutathione is involved in the building up of tissues and also helps in the process of repairing. This makes chemicals and proteins which are necessary in the body and in the functioning of the immune system. The general use of glutathione is done for ageing, liver diseases, heart diseases and many others. Following are the products that will definitely help in maintaining the levels of glutathione in the body and hence provide impressive effects.

Products Description

1. Gleaming Skin, Hair, Nails Formula

Gleaming Skin, Hair, Nails Formula helps in maintaining the health of skin, hair and nails due to the presence of certain very impressive agents like. Manjistha, pit papada, sariva and ghrit kumari. All these ingredients have immunity boosting effects as they help in the production and maintenance of glutathione. These ingredients are very effective in maintaining the health of yakrit as well. The ingredients of this formulation plays a different roles like manjistha helps in maintaining a healthy flow of blood by eliminating the toxins from circulation and sativa on the other and helps in dispelling the infective agents.

2. Manjishtha Capsules

Manjishtha Capsules are a single herbal formulation prepared using the standardised extract of Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia) only. The herb is a natural rakta shodhak as well. These ca[psules work in an excellent way to  pacify the pitta dosha in the body. The herb is also used in the management of many skin problems as well. The capsules are free from any type of additives or fillers and have pure herb extract. All over manjishtha capsules have excellent results as a channel opener and thus make healthy flow of glutathione possible.

3. Gandhak Rasayan

Gandhak Rasayan is a very impressive and effective formulation of Planet Ayurveda. Gandhak which is called sulphur in English is used in purified form in this formulation. The gandhak rasayan is known to enhance body lustre and act on deeper tissues in the body. Sulphur is a very well known agent in Ayurveda that helps in repairing the body from inside due to its rasayan effect. In addition, gandhak rasayan is easy to consume as it is in tablet form and can be taken by both of the genders that is male and female. It's one of the most impressive formulations of Ayurveda.

4. Amalaki Rasayan

Amalaki Rasayan is prepared with the purest type of amla after extracting its potent and effective extract. Amalaki or amla is a herb which can be given in any type of condition due to its very impressive properties. This helps the production of glutathione as it has its impact on the liver as well. This herb has five rasa out of six that are madhur (sweet), amal (sour), katu (pungent), tikta(bitter) and kashaya (astringent) but not lavan  (salty). Amalaki rasayan has very great results for the pacification of all three doshas. As the doshas are balanced and the body is in a balanced natural state there is automatic help in production of glutathione.

5. Rose Honey Natural Face & Body Butter


  1. Gleaming Skin, Hair, Nails Formula - 1 capsule twice daily.
  2. Manjishtha Capsules - 1 capsule twice daily.
  3. Gandhak Rasayan - 2 tablets twice daily.
  4. Amalaki Rasayan - 1 capsule twice daily.
  5. Rose Honey Natural Face & Body Butter - As directed by Physician.

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