$283.70 $242.00
S.No. Products Quantity
1 Boswellia Curcumin 2 Bottles (120 Capsules)
2 Joint Aid Plus 2 Bottles (120 Capsules)
3 Aamvatantak Churna 2 Packs (200gms)
4 Orthovita Oil 2 Bottles (100 ml Each)
5 Yograj Guggul 1 Bottle (120 Tablets)
6 Anu Tailam 1 Bottle (15 ml)
World Wide
No Side
Formulated by
MD-Ayurveda Experts



Pack Description

The frozen shoulder is also known as adhesive capsulitis. The condition is generally characterised by the stiffness in the joint along with pain. If ignored for long the pain gets worse resulting in the restriction of movement. Frozen shoulder is a very big problem faced by many people and gradually it is coming in almost all the age groups excluding the childrens. In this case frozen shoulder care packs are of great help as it is a combination of formulations that gives really great results. The Formulations are helpful in pain, support free movement of the shoulder and resolve other things too.

Products Description

1. Boswellia Curcumin

Boswellia Curcumin is a capsule formulation that is manufactured using the standardised extract of potent herbs. These herbs in this particular  formulation have a very great effect in pacification of aggravated vata dosha and are also effective as a pain relieving agent. These capsules are effective in supporting normal digestion as well. Boswellia curcumin also has its effect on strengthening the skeletal system of the body and along with muscles. Ingestion of these capsules results in smooth and pain free movement of the joints and also helps in the recovery process and speeds it up. It helps in removing the restriction to shoulder movement due to pain.

2. Joint Aid Plus

Joint Aid Plus helps in keeping the health of joints. The formulation has ingredients like  guggul, shallaki that are best known for subsiding pain by pacification of vata dosha and thus removes restriction. The characteristic of pain due to vata dosha is that it is pricking in nature and is generally aggravated during movement.  Moreover, the joint aid also has its effect on digestion due to the presence of sonth. On the other hand it  provides strength to the muscles and ligaments due to the presence of ashwagandha. All over the formulation gives very great and effective results in almost all types of joint related conditions. In the case of frozen shoulders it has very great results.

3. Aamvatantak Churna

Aamvatantak Churna contains herbs like Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), methi (Trigonella foenum graecum), Gorakhmundi (Sphaeranthus indicus), haridra (Curcuma longa) and many others. Aamvatantak is available in Churna or in powder form. The formulation helps in getting rid of the inflammation and stiffness from the joints as well as the muscles. The stiffness is generally due to the pain.  The formulation has its effect on pain as well as on  tingling sensation. Moreover, it helps in pacification of vata dosha which is mainly responsible for various types of pains in this condition, especially the pricking ones along with eliminating aama or endotoxins as well.

4. Orthovita Oil

Orthovita Oil is manufactured with shul gajendra, tail tarpon, gandhapura, turpentine, saindhavadi taila, prasarini oil and few others. These act in a very good way and restores mobility of affected parts, relieves pain, reduces the stiffness, and increases the lubrication between joints also. The oil is really effective in strengthening the ligaments, tendons and muscles as well bones. The oil is also useful for reducing muscle aches as well. 

5. Yograj Guggul

Yograj Guggul is a classical preparation which is a combination of potent herbs like pippali (Piper longum), ajwain (Carum copticum), vidang (Embelia ribes), guggul (Commiphora guggul) and many others. All of the herbs in this formulation have a very great effect in pacification of vata dosha and hence results in reduction of pain. Due to its vata pacification property it also has its effect on any type of inflammation also. The pain in the frozen shoulder is generally due to aggravation of vata dosha. In this case as the pain is relieved the movement of the affected part becomes easy. Yograj guggul is very effective in relieving twitching and spasm also.

6. Anu Tailam

Anu Tailam is used for nasya which is administration of medicated oil through nasal route in dosage of drops. It has herbs like Til Tail (sesame oil), Jivanti(Leptadenia reticulata) , Daruharidra (Berberis aristata) , Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) and many others. These all ingredients have immunity enhancing effect, anti allergic effect, kapha pacification properties and help in relieving the symptoms related to Frozen shoulder. As mentioned before it should be administered through the nasal route which means it is best for the pacification of uddhav jatrught vata anulomana that is pacification of vata dosha above chest region.

Dosage / Usage

  1. Boswellia Curcumin - 2 capsules should be taken with warm water, two times a day, after meals.
  2. Joint Aid Plus - 2 capsules should be taken with warm water, two times a day, after meals.
  3. Aamvatantak Churna - 1 tsp. twice in a day with warm water should be taken 10 minutes before meals.
  4. Orthovita Oil - Massage should be done locally with the oil for 10 to 15 minutes twice a day.
  5. Yograj Guggul - 2 tablets to be taken twice daily with warm water.
  6. Anu Tailam - Two drops in each nostril at the time of sunrise every morning. 

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