$162.45 $139.00
S.No. Products Quantity
1 Lakshadi Guggul 1 Bottle (120 Tablets)
2 Cissus Power 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
3 Ashwagandhadi Ghrit 3 Bottles (100gm Each)
4 Bone Support 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
5 Dashmoola Capsules 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
World Wide
No Side
Formulated by
MD-Ayurveda Experts


  • Strengthens bones
  • Supports bone healing
  • Gives Pain free movement
  • Contain 100% natural products
  • Absolutely free from chemicals, additives, extra colours, fillers and yeast etc.
  • Has all the pure herbs explained in ancient ayurvedic texts


The fracture healing pack is a marvellous combination of certain formulations that gives very impressive results in fracture healing. Fractures are of two types either open or closed. These supplements can work in both of the cases. The formulation mentioned in this pack has a very great effect in the fusion of bone and also helps in maintaining its original strength. The fractures can be hairline or a proper break in the bone. Until there is an open wound the fracture is not an emergency. The fractures can be due to external blow or due to low bone density but the formulations included in this pack helps in all types of fractures.



Lakshadi guggul is a classical preparation which has laksha as one of its ingredients. The formulation is really effective and also has guggul and ashwagandha. These two help in pacification of vata dosha and also give great results in relieving pain. Due to any type of trauma in the body there is aggravation of vata dosha in the body which results in pain and swelling.  The formula also has arjuna as its ingredient and it helps in enhancing the circulation. It is also a great source of calcium and helps in fasting up the healing process. The formulation helps in soothing the ligaments and due to the presence of asthi shrinkhala, it helps in enhancing bone density.


Cissus power is a very powerful herb in Ayurveda that has its exclusive effect on supporting the body’s entire skeleton system. Cissus power has only one ingredient known as hadjod (Cissus quadrangularis). The herb is known for its action on pain and also helps in accelerating the healing process of broken bones. Another name for this herb is asthi shrinkhala. The literal meaning of asthi shrinkhala is it helps in maintaining the conjugation of asthi dhatu. The herb also has great work in asthikhaya (decrease of bone tissue). The herb has qualities like light to digest, has sweet taste, undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion, has hot potency and balances vata and kapha dosha.


Ashwagandhadi ghrit is a very great ghrita preparation that has really great results in uplifting general weakness in this condition which is generally due to presence of pain. In addition the ghrita is also having bibhitaki along with ashwagandha as its ingredient. The bibhitaki helps in healing the fracture and hence enhances the process of healing. In addition, the formulation has cow’s ghee and cow’s milk as well thus acts as a very well balanced vata dosha pacifier. The formulation  promotes general well being and nourishes tissues, joints and nerves.


Bone support formula is a very great combination of herbs that has a very good effect in fractured bones. The herbs in this formulation help in relieving the symptoms like pricking pain and swollen surroundings.In addition, the formulation helps in strengthening the cartilages as well.  In case of fractures there is asthi bhagan which results in aggravated vata dosha and thus results in pain and sometimes crepitus in the joint. The bone support has hadjod that helps in enhancing bone density, and arjun that helps in better circulation. Along with these it also has praval pishti and mukta that help in enhancing natural calcium levels in the body.


The dashmoola capsules have a group of ten herbs that are really good and effective in pacification of doshas. The dashmool means roots of 10 specific herbs and these specific roots of  10 different plants are used in the preparation of these capsules. The herbs like  bilwa (Aegle marmelos), shyonak (Oroxylum indicum), patla (Stereospermum suaveolens), agnimantha (Clerodendrum phlomidis), gambhari (Gmelina arborea) and few others are its ingredients. These capsules are really great in pacification of vata dosha hence results in the subsiding of pain. The capsules are pure vegetarian and have very good results in case of fractures.


  1. Lakshadi Guggul - 2 tablets twice daily after meals.
  2. Cissus Power - 1 capsule twice daily after meals.
  3. Ashwagandhadi Ghrit - 1 tsp twice daily after meals with warm milk.
  4. Bone Support - 1 capsule twice daily after meals.
  5. Dashmoola Capsules - 1 capsule twice daily after meals.

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