Bakson's Rhamnus Frangula Dilution is a homeopathic aid for appendicitis. It helps in managing diarrhoea and various stomach diseases. It is also effective in urinary incontinence and headache
Key Ingredients
Rhamnus Frangula
Key Benefits
- It is a major aid for intestinal disorder like appendicitis
- It also helps to relieve itching and headache
- Effective in cases of constipation followed by diarrhoea
- Helpful in managing stomach diseases and flatulence
Safety Information
- Do not exceed the recommended dosage
- Read the product label carefully before use
- Keep out of reach of children
- Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight
- Replace cap immediately after use
More Information
All Bakson Homeopathic Dilutions are potentised Homoeopathic medicines manufactured by the use of Extra Neutral Alcohol which is free from impurities like aldehydes and ketones and are safe to consume under the advise of a registered Homoeopath for your ailment. We use back potencies manufactured inhouse from genuine raw material and then potentise them to desired potency through homoeopathic pharmacopeial procedures.
Action of Medicine
- Stools of a dark-green colour were observed, copious, thin or pasty.
- With the stools there was much rumbling in the ileo-cæcal region and along, the transverse colon with weakness after stool.
- Burning in urethra while urinating and frequent micturition.
- General exhaustion. Weakness.
- Worse- after stools.